Searching for a new job can be a difficult and time-consuming task and, in some cases, quite disheartening if you don’t hear back or have been unsuccessful on numerous occasions. It can be easy to dwell on these defeats and consider them a failure instead of using it as a source of feedback and improvement to find the position that truly is better suited.
It is perhaps relatively safe to assume that most people aren’t overjoyed at the prospect of an interview and the feeling of so much riding on its success.
We’ve compiled some points below on how to learn and adapt your attitude from an unsuccessful interview.
How to take a positive attitude
One of the first things to take from the interview process, whether (un)successful is that there is an opportunity to gain from it.
Alongside the feedback, consider for yourself where you believe you may have been lacking.
Was it nerves? Not being able to answer questions? Lack of knowledge in technical aspects?
Identify what aspects need personal improvement. Use these weaknesses for the next interview; find and research ways to combat nerves, perhaps practice answers more thoroughly, or if it’s technical, read to fill the gaps in your knowledge.
If it hasn’t worked out and you feel you, in fact, did answer and perform well, then perhaps the role just wasn’t for you.
Companies are not only looking for all the technical boxes to be ticked but a fit for company culture. If you didn’t meet that fit, then don’t take it personally, you want to work for a company and in a team that you gel with well.
It can be difficult to follow the positivity above if you face continual rejection but use this to build resilience.
How to refine your search
Making simple changes to your job search can help to eliminate further disappointment.
Firstly, consider whether the jobs you’re applying for are a genuine fit for you?
Do your skills and experience match or come close to the job specifications and requirements?
Have you found the company staff on LinkedIn, do their interests appear to align with your own?
Does the information surrounding company culture or online reviews fit what type of role you want to move into?
Be selective and picky about where and what you apply for and make sure as much as the hirer is judging your fit and appropriateness for the role that you are doing the same.
If you fit in the ways above and your experience is relevant from what is in the job brief, you are less likely to face continual or frequent rejection.
Asking for feedback and receiving criticism can be difficult, but if you want to develop and improve then it is essential to know how you came across within the interview from the hirer’s perspective.
Ensure that you ask for feedback and make a point of showing the importance of it to you, it’s the best way to hone your interview skills. It can be easier to receive feedback if you have sourced the job through a recruitment agency as they have a long-standing relationship with the hirer so feedback can be easier to attain and can perhaps be more honest.
Using the advice above and practising a positive and resilient approach will sure fire land you the job, that is the right fit for you, culturally and professionally.
Use a recruitment agency
It can be useful in your job search to use an agency if you have faced regular rejection. Agencies can prepare you for what to expect in an interview, limiting any surprises that can throw you when you go it alone. Their relationship also means you’re likely to receive feedback and if one interview doesn’t go to plan, then they have a wealth of knowledge and contacts for the next interview, which will hopefully be the last!
Good Luck!