There are many “Guides to interviewing” and “Tips for succeeding at your interview” available and some are very useful with good advice. At JohnstonGreer we have added some new ideas that may be a bit different from the usual tips found elsewhere. Remember, the number one point regarding an interview is that you should always be yourself so these ideas are only for those comfortable using them! So, now that you have polished your shoes and got there early please see if any of these ideas are useful –

1. Common ground. As well as researching the company it is nowadays very easy to source detailed information about the interviewers, many of these managers and decision makers will have their profile somewhere like Linkedin and crucially it may also contain some information regarding clubs or interests, past or present. Usually, you will get the opportunity to talk about yourself outside of work and if you and the interviewer have a similar interest it could get a conversation flowing.

2. Specific value. When you read the job description, work through each point and build a picture of how you specifically can solve that problem for the client. Match all of your experience and skills to the duties and responsibilities and fully prepare for the question “what can you bring to the role” or similar.

3. Knowledge gaps. There may be some gaps in your experience or skills so rather than just accepting that you haven’t dealt with a particular database/platform, or perhaps are lacking in pensions knowledge, get researching these areas by having a look at the different systems or doing a spot of revision about the latest pension legislation. Then when you are asked about these areas you can answer that although it’s not your strength you have done some work to get more up to speed. The interviewer will like your new found knowledge, however, will be even more impressed that you have put in that extra effort.

4. Push and Pull factors. Reasons for leaving previous and current jobs will be guaranteed questions at your interview, and your focus should be on positive reasons for going (pull) to the next job rather than negative reasons for leaving (push) the previous. We have all had a job that didn’t work out due to factors that we couldn’t control and your reasons for leaving will be perfectly valid, however, at interview try to remain upbeat and positive across the board including at this crucial part of the meeting.

5. Ask for the job. If you work in a sales orientated position then this is a must and there are different ways you can do this. You could enquire about the interview process presenting the opportunity to say that you are very keen on moving onto the next stage and asking the interviewer to confirm that you are being invited back. You can use this to discover any reservations the interviewer may have to give you the opportunity to overcome these objections. For those in non-sales positions, you could just simply state that you are enthusiastic about the role and are very keen to come back for the next stage.

Finally, ensure that you speak to your Recruiter prior to the meeting. At JohnstonGreer we confirm all interviews by email including meeting details, postcode, website link and a job description. Everything you require will be on that confirmation though we also diarise to call you 1 or 2 days before, this means that we can talk through the role again and complete any preparation work including some of the ideas above.

If you would like any further information then please email